this is a small selection of my dj work. they're eclectic collages, and any recorded sound is potential material for the mix. i call my style "advanced listening". don't expect to dance to it; advanced listening is unique, best suited for long car rides, sitting in comfy chairs at home, or listening through headphones.


from the ambient music festival "chillits" in willits, california

chillits 2003
advanced listening-style johnny cash homage, and then, nothing but RAWK!

chillits 2005
with miss meliss - dark and sometimes scary advanced listening


from the art and music festival "out of door experience (oode)" in the umpqua national forest, oregon

oode 6, 2002
advanced listening based loosely on my mix cd, "temple of the sleeping dragon"

oode 8, 2004
"head thrust" advanced listening (don't know who gave it that title, but it stuck and i like it)


under the influence

this is the sound component of a spoken word piece i did at chillits, september, 2004. i made little books of the text and distributed the books throughout the audience before the performance, so they could read along. if you'd like, you can print this pdf, staple it all together and read along, too; or read the writen text here.