Chillits 2022


If you'd like to make a donation to Cloud Factory Collective for the Arts a 501(c)3 please click here. Funds from CFCA help to fund our online presence. Your donation is tax deductible and will ensure that we can pay for our bandwidth.



18:00 - 19:30: Brian Behlendorf mp3 flac
19:30 - 21:00: Traffic
21:00 - 22:00: Dr. Rek (A/V set) youtube
22:00 - 24:00: Andy W


00:00 - 02:00: Matthew Pattterson Curry soundcloud mp3 flac
02:00 - 04:00: Matt Sussman
04:00 - 05:00: Fleshy Temples (live) mp3 flac
05:00 - 06:00: Colin Dyer (live) flac mp3
06:00 - 07:333 Verdun 1916 (live) flac mp3
07:30 - 08:00: Sweguno (live) flac mp3 Youtube Soundcloud
08:00 - 09:30: William Wardlaw flac mp3
09:30 - 10:30: Formanter (live)
10:30 - 11:30: Donnie Service (live) youtube
11:30 - 14:00: matt holland flac mp3 soundcloud
14:00 - 15:30: Speakeasy Ray flac mp3
15:30 - 16:10: Bird of Paradise (live) flac mp3
16:10 - 17:00: Nightswept / Johnny Goodnow flac mp3
17:00 - 17:45: Lay/Lie (live)
17:45 - 19:30: Megan Hug mp3 soundcloud
19:30 - 20:00: DJ CZ youtube (w/ visuals by Dr Rek)
21:00 - 22:35: David Siska mp3 flac
22:35 - 23:30: BLEIE (live) mp3 flac
23:30 - 01:30: Patrick Russell


01:30 - 03:00: Grant Aaron mp3 flac
03:00 - 05:30: JD Harrington & Michael Brunner mp3 flac
05:30 - 06:20: David Grunzweig (live) mp3
06:25 - 07:30: Ahsan mp3 wav
07:30 - 08:30: Hydroplane (live) mp3
08:30 - 10:00: Squelchy mp3 wav
10:00 - 11:00: Whiskey Devil mp3 wav
11:00 - 12:00: NEST mp3 wav mixcloud

Comments to info at
Updated by matt holland matt at